Fresh Debian Install - No Keyboard Input

Backstory: Just installed Debian (with desktop environment, basically the default options when you install) and I went through working out the kinks.

1. Screen not found - had to generate new xorg.conf and then startx and it worked.

2. Mouse wasn't moving after startx. Added the package xserver-xorg-input-mouse or w/e and rebooted. Solved that.

3. Last and final hurdle, after it boots to gdm3, keyboard refuses to send any input. 


Keyboard works fine in the ctrl+alt+f1 tty.

I'm working on a Sager NP8651 (Laptop) and ran dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration .

There are no options to select for this specific keyboard. If there is a close one that will work, do tell!

Restarted after that and still it didn't work.

Tried running  xserver-xorg-input-kbd  and it didnt work. Couldn't even find the specified package.

1st Question which Desktop Environment ?

2nd Question Which Login Manager ? 

3rd Which Version ? Stable,Testing or Unstable ?