Freezing At 1.5 GB of memory

When I play Skyrim it gets up to 1.5 GB of memory usage, then it freezes up and I have to Alt-Tab out of it

I have 14 GB of RAM, so I'm not running out of it If anyone has a solution please tell me

I'm wondering if I messed up something in the INI file but I don't know.

Any support would be nice.



Skyrim is a 32-bit program so you couldn't use more than 4 GB of ram anyways. It should use more than 1.5 GB of ram unless your'e using a very old verion of Skyrim...

If you are running mods, there might be a conflict beween them? 

What you do with the INI file? 

Worst case solution: re-install...

Try this -> SSME - Skyrim Startup Memory Editor by Queue