I recovered some files for a user but when I try to make a share on the local network windows 10 just cannot connect. I am not having any issues with my current system. Here is the images below. It took me a long time just to get bast the unable to access share dialog box. Now this new dialog box. I get prompted for the password of the user. I enter it, but then the error in the last image (Clipboard04) appears. I have tried so many things to get it working but no luck so far.
I have tested working on my Windows Server 2012 DC box and my Server 2008 R2 DC Box.
It also works on my two windows 10 boxes, one is Pro at 1803 and the other is Home at 1709
Its not working on the users windows 10 home 1803.
I tried using an account that I know is working and I get the same error.
I have tried many permissions schemes such as using the windows permission type but to no avail.
When I tried the users account from the working platforms it also failed which makes me think its a config in freenas; but, I am reminded that my working account did not work on the users computer.
Right click the share and look at your security settings and see if anything is weird there.had similar problem like this and it was windows itselfs security setting for the share
I couldn’t find anything wrong. When setting the permission type to linux, it cant be changed in windows. When setting it to ‘windows’ I also did not see anything wrong. Perhaps make the user account type a ‘microsoft account’?
Ok, I setup a windows 8.1 VM and set a public share. I turned off password protected sharing. All my computers could connect with out a password. The OS’s are, Windows 10 1709, windows 10 pro 1803, windows server 2012, and windows server 2008 r2.
The user’s pc is the only pc that prompted for a login. This user access the pc through a microsoft live account. The rest of the pc’s are local. I dont think this should make a difference once logged on.
Why would this one windows 10 PC be prompting for a login?
Could be on a different smb version than the others which doesn’t play well. Your perms don’t make sense to me though. There’s no guest access and you don’t have an owner. They would have to log in with creds that are part of the group ‘users’ in order to have access.
That’s also assuming the folder is inheriting permissions which is not the default behavior for samba. I don’t know if it is for freenas so I could be wrong. Ssh in to it and set perms on the particular folder to 770 to match your current scheme if it works for you.