FreeNas Fatal Trap 12

Hi, I am having some trouble with my friends FreeNas build. he have been running it fine for over a week now and suddenly we tried to boot it once and this happened, Can someone please help me fix it?

Thanks Sam

How much storage, and how much ram does the machine have?
Does it at least have 1GB to 1TB ratio with some remainder?

He has 4gbs with only 2tb of storage he is only testing it out to see if he likes it and then well this happened...

It's obvious that there was a filesystem corruption that took place on the hard drive. I'd be running some hardware tests on the memory and hard disks to see if there are any faults.

From what I know of Fatal Trap 12 there are two potential issues.

One being the bootable media. If you are using a USB key, remove it. Upload the same version of the OS to another USB key and try and boot. Then copy the array configs across.

However the second (and far more likely in this situation) is you've encountered file system corruption due to a lack of RAM. The MINIMUM requirements for ZFS is 8GB (before the whole +1GB per TB). If you have been running ZFS, this is likely what has happened. (If using UFS, try my first solution)
For fixing this......well.... add more RAM and it might solve the problem but you have likely lost the data.