Freenas Corral Update

Hmm I only just saw this yesterday. Bit of a pain, but the right move I guess. At least they didn't throw all their eggs into the new basket, and still have teams working on their other stuff.

FreeNAS Corral was a bit buggy and performs worse than 9.10.x for me, as far as performance of the apps I run on it. I was thinking all of the issues I had could be sorted out, but I guess the issues ran much deeper.
I most likely will wait until they have docker support in the 9.x branch. Don't want to try and set all my jails up again, as good as they were.

They will have to come up with another new numbering systems when they update to FreeBSD 11! Or just call it FreeNAS 11 and be done with it.

Glad I didn't upgrade mine from 9.3.

Same here...

Should I roll back?

Thanks for the share! I'm glad that they are communicating what they can. However It seems there there was a deeper more systemic issue at play with iX...and a lot of us who use their products have a right to be leery of the next several iterations of their software. They have lost a lot of good will and credibility which will take time and careful calculation on their part to rebuild.

That was the recommendation. Since Coral was being set to a "technology preview" or whatever it was that they were calling it. I guess if it's working for you and you're happy with it, stick with it and share your experience. Just make sure you have back ups of all your data.

I am currently sticking with corral as it offers the better VM support - which I need; only when 9.10 train has that backported I will migrate back - as just starting the 9.10 boot enviroment did not work out as planed so a fresh install will be needed to get back

I should have just stuck with Corral, 11 is being a PITA- it simply should not be this hard unless your dealing with enterprise gear that requires certs-- and I use said gear and its still not this hard. IMO the Freenas devs really don't have the small guy in mind but its ironic cause they are not in the enterprise, meanwhile if I'm working on a netapp the support is crazy good even just via the googles.