I've got a few IP cameras and need to setup a FTP server to save the recordings. For the past weeks I've been saving them to my WD EX2 but that device is for my Macbook's time machine, so I'd like to build a dedicated device that can handle 3-4 IP cameras (recording on motion detection), a weekly backup of two PCs, storage of movies + photos and (potentially) run a plex server so i can watch movies off my roku.
I've come up with this- http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/n9HgHx And plan on having the IP cameras save to the Purple drive using FTP, backups and documents go to the 3tb red drive and media for plea go to a 1tb wd red I have lying around. I'm not very familiar with freenas as can probably be told, and would appreciate if anyone would tell me if what i'm planning on doing is unfeasible or could be done better.