As posted previously, I"ve installed Ubuntu on my laptop. First, I drive a truck, hopefully not for much longer, so internet is hit and miss. Anyway, I was reading a bit and browsing and found an interesting article where Stallman talks about Ubuntu's use of the user's information and calling the OS spyware.
Well, this did give pause.... So, in my usual fashion I pondered, considered, and then decided.
So, I will be downloading (when I can) both Debian 8 (Linux, and the source for Ubuntu) and FreeBSD Unix and burning both to DVD.
Oops, my next load is ready and my downloads aren't finished (of course).
This may take more time.
Lastly, I want to say why I prefer Unix. This is a personal stand only. Its the old battle-scarred veteran of OS's imho. Back when I was learning Unix Linux was only 15 years old and Unix had been around a good couple of decades. Its highly configurable and well, I love being snotty and uppity.
Plus, I just LOVE the ports collection. Navigate to the program you want to install (in console) and type "make install clean". The OS does the rest. It gets the latest version AND downloads all dependencies, and after the installation it merrily cleans up after itself.
This could be a one shot, one day deal too.... IF, Steam and XCom don't install and work flawlessly. I really need my mindless entertainment.
I'll update when finished and able. In the mean time....
Remember the Alamo ! We lost.
Stallman likes to make a big deal out of tiny issues.
It's not too dissimilar from the feature in Windows 8 and Android phones.
When you were only 15... How old are you now?
Oops, did I type it that way? Sorry, meant when Linux was 15. I'm... uhhh, older?
I agree with you, but also agree with Stallman. I really dislike the collection of user information/habits and have since my first computer. Its the prerogative of any company or corporate entity to pursue that track,and I'll exercise mine by not using their software. Just the way I'm wired. I, for some reason, attributed an idealistic facade to Canonical and maybe having that dashed on the rocks caused me to be just a little more miffed than usual. Fortunately I've always wanted to use Unix, so I"ll be installing BSD as time makes it possible.
Yeah though Canonical isn't collecting the data. It hits Amazon's/BBC's/Youtube's servers and they bounce back the results. It's meant to be a feature so you can search for everything in one place.
Though it's an understanding viewpoint. Debian isn't a big jump from Ubuntu, I'd go for that. Out of the box it has no proprietary software so everything is open-source which may be more appealing to you (Ubuntu makes it an option to install proprietary software in the installer).
@freqlabs is a BSD guy round here, I'm sure he could give you some advice on that.
Kai,firstly, thank you for the info. I really hate to be talking out my butt... etc etc. I am "interested" in Debian just because of the reputation its had over the years. Its stable, and pretty secure as I've read over the years. But, Unix (FreeBsd) is the personal favorite. Its just got that certain something... that I really like. I've been reading up today while waiting for my tractor to finish up in the shop... engine fault. Good thing I"m company and not owner / operator. I've found a few good places on line for getting BSD up and running in the different environments and probably will post links after testing and successful installs.
Goals are:
Unix install with Gnome
Nvidia install
Ports dir and install using it successfully
Kernel optimizing and successful saving and usage of different Kernels
Installation of Steam. Then see if need Linux compatibility for success or Wine.
Get a few non-Linux/Unix 3d games running with Wine
If I get that done I'll be tickled pink.
Thank you for freqlabs nick, I'll keep him in mind in case, although I try to figure it all out myself so I don't sound so whiney... but, when needed I can whine very very well.
Other distros I really like are Puppy Linux, Mint, Kali, and PCBSD.
And I'm a conceited Cafe Bustello snob.
Thank you again, FK
At least ubuntu tells you they're doing it and lets you turn it off. The rest of them just do it and see what you use the most anyway.
Another OS to look at on the Unix side of things is OpenIndiana. It is based on Solaris and has much of the GNU toolset.
FreeBSD is pretty groovy too. If you like to mix your Linux with BSD there Gentoo and its derivative(like Fun too and Sabayon). Portage works similar to BSD ports. Gentoo and Debian will boot with a BSD kernel as well.
RPM distros like Slackware, Fedora, OpenSuse are super stable and very Unix like.
There is MINIX which was the inspiration Linux but it uses a microkernel unlike Linux's monolithic kernel. It doesn't have as much software as the other OSs I have mentioned though.
A few years ago I was on a roll... I installed Unix-like distros like crazy. OpenIndiana is a new one to me, thank you. Slackware I just never got my head around... back then I hated the console, I refused to practice. Which is silly since I wanted to use Unix. Go figger. I've been stuck in Wichita today, waiting till 4:30 pm to start driving. So, since Sams clubCrud has free wifi I am hitting quite well, I have been reading up on things I'll need to do and have fixes for: Nvidia drivers, ctd, etc.I'm so looking forward to typing: portsnap fetch and extract. Ports just make me... "moist" LOL. When I finally stop driving and actually have myown place I"m going to use a trick I was shown years ago for Unix. Take any old pc and toss two NICs in and after some configuring you have an invisible firewall. I watched a comp-sci friend try to probe his home system which as planned, shut down after 3 or 4 attempts. It can't be pinged, since its a null space. Very cool.
I went on a date yesterday with a lovely woman, but, as usual I managed to really piss her off.
I didn't open the car door for her.
Instead I just swam to the surface.
So far all info on Steam running on BSD are a bit older or dismissive of working on Unix. I'd rather not use Wine, but will if I have to. Possible that Linux compat will make the Linux install work, but won't know till I try. Then of course there's running the games not compatible with Linux, and there Wine will be the trick. Maybe I can feed my laptop the red pill.
You amuse me. Well, report back you findings with steam on BSD.
facepalm I'm hearing a short Italian asking why I amuse you. ROFLMAO. sorry.
How about a true story?
Way back, in the Win 98se days I was somewhere in New Mexico, and my best friend upstate NY. We had been playing with a piece of software... Elephant something, or some name like that... basically it was a pretty cool tool. You would put in a block of Internet addresses and set it to scan for Windows boxes with "share" turned on. Remember, this is on dialup. So, an hour or so later you'd get a window with blocks listed with possibles. Then, you do a second scan for the individual computers and choose any you wish and open up the documents folder. We had a ball. I have to admit I was surprised at the lack of depth I witnessed in people's porn collections. Talk about Mundane. I mean, sheesh.
ANyway.... after a while I ws pretty much toasted and watching one block scan which was going to complete in about 3 minutes and then start on the next block. I was bored so decided to check the info on the next block. Well, it said.... "Pentagon" for starts, and some other stuff I"ve forgotten. I think I may have blinked.
So, typed into ICQ, "Uhhh, Dave? Do you think its stupid to scan the Pentagon? "
Time passed, and the little dots of completion were moving to the end of the line to the right.... and time passed.
And Dave's answer popped up.... "Not if you don't mind being arrested"
I think tha's when it finally rammed thru my mind.... "STOP THAT FUCKING SCAN !!!"
ANd I slapped, or mouse clicked, or something.... with about 3 seconds to spare.
Ahhhh... those were the learning days.
Sorry I'm late. You may have already discovered this, but the Steam client just won't quite work on FreeBSD through the Linux compat. There are just a couple of missing bits, and I do believe people are actively working on it. For now, all reports indicate that Steam and games run splendidly in Wine.
Stallman has to make these statements because the definition of free he's fighting for is most political stuff. I like OpenSuse because you have the option to pick up the restricted codecs and stuff if you need but you can also run your computer as free of speech.
THank you freqlabs, I needed that info. I guess I'll stick with Ubuntu for now, mostly since I"m not in the mood to DL stuff to steam again. LOL. I have XCom doing nicely, with the Long War nod installed, so all is well. Though I do miss Skyrim now and then. OH well.
I have to agree with Stallman, mainly due to my own stance on things. I do believe our choices when we're informed users of tech are more than just the stats; they're also political and have ramifications throughout the industry, both social and technological. This is well illustrated by the rise of LInux, which wasn't just an alternative of tech cool (though it WAS that), it was also a stance against the monopoly of Winderz and though not acknowledged, the Apple monopoly too.
I do not trust corporations, period. Though a lot of our tech progress stems from these entities, they are inherently flawed by design; the most telling is the stock market where its not considered viable just to be a stable company whose products are stable. No, the underlying conversation is always about MORE.... about rising profits that never cease. Couple this with the mania attached to "growing" by absorbing other companies and their talent and you have an economic system that is vulnerable to the emotional fears of greedy investors. Our economy's health is in a stranglehold by people who lack even a rudimentary sense of altruism, and feel themselves divorced from the society as a whole. Capitalism is broken. And the first pillar that was damaged was the separation of the economy and government. Capitalism is NOT a social system, its an economic system. Democracy is a social system, not an economic system, and yet our "leaders" are treating them as united. This, is just insanity.