Hi again remember from BSD adventurers of way back when where i was interested in FreeBSD(still interested) but have some questions of things.
FreeBSD is a neat OS but wanted to see if it was possible to have it where attached to my router and basically a firewall/manager of the network.
Have to where a device first connects to the router it automatically sends them to the weaker one allowing more devices of mine having the faster one(currently have xfinity router sadly) which i know for sure has backdoors (unsual ports that are open which i access through i forgot the password my bad) but is this a possibility for FreeBSD or is this pfsense type of deal?
You could do it, although pfsense would probably be a better/easier option. But all the traffic still has to go through the 'weaker' router so whatever problems you have with it now you will still have.
Thats ok its just would be easier to auto assign/redirect hosts to the weaker one when they try to login to the stronger one.
I'd just have one good one, there's no need for two in series. But I guess this is one of those you're stuck with the ISP modem router and it can't be put in bridge mode kind of deals?
Yeah my ISP gave us a router that gives two WANs instead of one all in one system but at times i feel i can be faster and its still running on 1.0 firmware but there's no updates.
Just let your FreeBSD backbone slide ....
Didn't figure out i referenced that but thanks
One of the main problems of the iSP is that it has very basic security configurations that has in the passed failed at securing(mother had viruses on 2 computers caused by clicking links through email and facebook)
I've researched a bit on pfsense routing and looks like it the right thing i need but i also wanted to check out if FreeBSD had something similar to work with.
Something on the router won't help you with that, even if you were running some sort of virus scanner or IPS it can't read encrypted data. Email and Facebook is going to be using https.