A few years ago i had to make a video for a presentation back in highschool. Back then i used pinnacle studio(cracked :P) to create a simple video presentation. now in college i have to make another video presentation and wanted to use an alternative with preference to free software.. Do you guys know any good alternatives? (i know about windows movie maker,so lets leave that one aside)
You can check this out if you want an older version of Adobe Premier for free - and 100% legit.
It may re-direct and prompt you to create a log-in. You do have to do this, then you can download the full suite, or the parts you want.
Friends of mine have recommended light works http://www.lwks.com/ as a free video editor
Blender also has video editing http://www.blender.org/ (what cant you do with blender?)
Besides that they say there's not really much of anything else as far as free goes.
heres a blender video edeting tutorial: http://www.blendtuts.com/video_editing
if you have a mac you can use final cut pro as a trial for 30 days. dunno if it applies to windows.