Free Steam Coupons

 I have

(-50%) Duke Nukem 3D

(-25%) Surgeon Simulator 2013 *Taken*

(-75%) Serious Sam 2

(-66%) Awesomenauts

(-75%) Krater

(-50%) Garrys Mod  *Taken*


If anyone wants something let me know. They all expire Sept. 6 and I know I won't be using them so thought I'd give them to someone who will use them. Proof 

Also I'm not sure the best way to give these out that would be fair for everyone so I'm just going to give them out to the first person who asks for whatever. So, sorry if you don't get one ^_^

Sure I'll take the Surgeon Simulator coupon.

can i get that garrys mod coupon please

Cool pm me a link to your steam profile so I can add you. 

Yup, pm me your steam profile and I'll add you.

i unforunatly cant pm for some reason :( but my steam account is erskipper


Last bump.

I'll take Duke Nukem 3d please. Email is [email protected] in case you can't pm.

Sent you a pm.