Nosgoth is a 4v4 multilayer game where you play as either a human or a vampire. These vampires aren't the ones that burn in the light (or sparkle for that matter), and although these humans are hunters, they are also rebels, "wizards" and not your 1800s vampire hunters with wooden sticks and rosaries.
I'd like to do a mini-review on this game but ModerWarNegro made a very good review, so I'll link below.
So as the header suggests, I have beta keys, 33 of them at the moment. I would love to share this game with the community and play with you guys. I believe that this game has a lot of potential. I'm not sure how PMing works on the forum, but e-mail me at [email protected] and I'll e-mail you a key!
Hope to see you in-game.
(MexicanMalware is my steamid by the way)