In situations like that, you can use long range wifi, for example suppose a few mines away, there is an ISP which is offering faster service for less money, or if you have a bunch of people in the ara willing to help pay for a fast connection from a different ISP.
Then someone in the proper area for a better ISP, they can probably purchase a nice 20-100mbit connection, install a high power AP and a high gain yagi antenna onto a tall pole, and you can do the same in your area, and get a good point to point network going. that service can then be shared with people in your area who will also pay to help cover the cost of the service.
If there is no competition in your area, then you will end up with high prices for crappy service.
There is no way to get 100% free internet, as at some point, it has to connect to some kind of level3 host which can provide you with an interconnect with all other ISP's
The most you can hope for in situations like that, is to have a few trusted people near you who you feel safe sharing a connection with (you can put therm on VLAN's if needed, you just do not want to have someone downloading CP on your connection.
After that, check if where are any services available that will give you more speed for the money, for example, if an ISP is offering you are paying 5 mbit for $50, and the ISP will upgrade you to 10mbit for $20 more, then you can set up a good router with 2 VLAN's QOS set to share the bandwidth as equally as possible, then you and a neighbor pay $35 each for what you would pay $50 each separately.
With many ISP's the price per megabit goes down as you move to faster packages right up until you get to a package on the extreme end of the spectrum. So if you have people you can trust, then money can be saved by sharing a single connection, and simply giving each home its own VLAN.