You welcome..
Oh, hell yeah! I didn't even know there was a stand alone game for gwent!
Well, there isn't... Yet... It's still in Beta... They are still working on it.
I don't love (or hate) gwent, since my gpu died I'm desperately searching for games to play on the igpu, thanks phycho
Sorry to hear that...
Uh, there are so many...
And all good old games, like Roller Coaster Tycoon, Caesar 3, Heroes 3, Disciples 2...
and so on and so on...
And then there are completely free stuff like this one:
PC master race dude... As long as you have any kind of GPU you can play so many games...
omg thanks! :)
Take your time and look around for discounts and deals...
etc etc...
OK, so far I enjoy it way more than Hearthstone.
For 1 it requires a bit of a strategy.
For 2 it's not as random, so you can absolutely really on a strategy you try and build
For 3 it's fun. Unlike Hearthstone, where I get annihilated by cards I have never seen...
I hate hearthstone with passion if you haven't noticed, and I expected to dislike this one as well. I actually find it quite enjoyable.
Way less flashy and overdesigned than Hearthstone. And I for one enjoy simple looks. I am a simple man with a simple mind, after all...
Shameless bump of shamelessness without any shame...
What do you think of the game?
aside from the "connection problems" it's ok.
10 000 new keys...
OK i found the thing, that will turn me off this game...
It needs mechanics to draw more cards from the deck... I have the cards in my deck, i can't draw them, because you have a limited quantity of cards you draw.
I'm getting aggravated at that... I played like 20 matches and lost 18 of them, because of that thing. I have the cards i need in the deck, i can't draw them to be able to play them.
are you talking about when a card will pull all of the same cards from the deck? arachnids? if so then yes you can only pull 3 of each type.
Not really...
I am trying to build a hoarder deck... Got the monster race, got all synergy multiple spawn cards, some buffs and stuff... Many times i don't have enough to play any synergy.
Example: I need ancient foglet and impenetrable fog. The ancient foglet gets 1 power every turn when in fog. If i never draw the foglet, i don't really need the fog.
I have 2 harpies and a hatcher harpy. Each harpy lays an egg, the hatcher ... well, hatches the eggs and makes them harpies. If i don't have the harpies in my hand, the hatcher is pointless.
I have a cow, an elementals, golems and stuff...
Multiple times i had like 1 or 2 monsters and 10 buff cards. What am i supposed to do with those? Round 3... I need 1 monster i have 3 buff cards... I draw another buff card...
All i need is a mechanic that allows me to draw extra card or something. But i am really getting angry with the game. I mean it should not be that difficult.
I have improved the deck, rendering a new video about the current iteration, but it's still the same issue... I have many cards in the deck, that i could have used better than the ones in my hand.
ah you have just not balanced your deck. its all random so you have to try and balance monsters to buffs.
i run monsters deck i got rid of the majority of the non combat cards. I kept a couple but the majority of my deck is monsters.
I learnt this from playing yugioh.always got left with trap cards fml.
Oh god, this is so powerful... So far 100% success rate... I removed most things i don't need really for synergy or whatever and bam... 100% success rate...
I would have kissed you, but i think you are a bit too far away for that... I mean friendly kiss of gratitude... Don't get any ideas...