Here are codes for the above games. I have had them written down on sticky notes since Nov 2013 so I have no idea if they work or not but if they do cheers.
3W57A654 Assassins Creed
D5GODXJ3 Splinter Cell
I didn't want to check if they worked on Steam (for obvious reasons) because I will never play them.
Those codes aren't long enough for steam. I think they're Uplay codes, although I'm not sure at all.
These look like the Nvidia codes, actually. I think the AC4 one might still be redeemable (I already have AC4 from my 770 purchase) but the Blacklist promotion has already closed, and you can't redeem that code for a game key anymore.
These look like the Nvidia codes, actually. I think the AC4 one might still be redeemable (I already have AC4 from my 770 purchase) but the Blacklist promotion has already closed, and you can't redeem that code for a game key anymore.
These look like the Nvidia codes, actually. I think the AC4 one might still be redeemable (I already have AC4 from my 770 purchase) but the Blacklist promotion has already closed, and you can't redeem that code for a game key anymore.
Thanks mate, was on the fence of Ass Creed 4 for a while
@iNvalid thanks for clearing that up. I couldn't remember if I redeemed the codes or not on Nvidia. Did you get the game achilles?
I check Splinter Cell, but the promotion expired, and was able to get AC4 through the uplay website.
Thanks again.
rofl. My comment posted three times... I don't even. All I did was click save once. Oh well, not going to delete it now. It's a novelty posting experience, at this point.