Free game on Humble Bundle

X-COM UFO defense free on humblle bundle store for 48 hours.


Thank you...

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Grabbed and redeemed my copy. Remeber, you need to redeem the key before Feb 1 otherwise it will not work.

Does that means all ubredeemed keys for all old free games I got are invalid?

Like say Dirt 3 or Dirt Showdown...yeah.

All my free racing games, that i was never going to play are gone... SIGH... Now i feel bad...

I mean, you can still try and see if they work.

I did...
They don't... you said, games you will never play anyway.

Although I believe one of the Dirt games isn't available anymore. Gotta check that again to confirm my statement.

EDIT: Dirt 3 isn't available on Steam anymore. LINK

Confirmed, thanks Jorge

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something called constructor is free on gog

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I wasn't on time, but Cayne is free.

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