I asked the mods if I could do this but it’s hard to say this stuff without coming off as corporate. And software to improve RAM usage has been a scammer game. But we’re just fellow Linux hackers that choose to go all in on our cool project and the tech comes from decades of research at Intel and Micron labs (turns out Micron didn’t want to sell less RAM, long story…)
We at https://bitflux.ai could really use your help getting our product out there. Help us now as a beta user and we’ll give you free premium features when we start charging. And cool stickers, yeah, confirmed installs will get stickers! I wasn’t planning on that but that’d be cool.
Think of us as a service like Datadog, only instead of just recording metrics, we actively improve them for you. We’re starting with memory and moving on to storage next.
Here’s what you can do:
- Sign up using this link so we can know who to send stickers to. LevelOneTechs Promo
- Follow Quick Start Guide | BITFLUX.AI Wiki to install to your vm/hw running Linux.
- Let us know how it works (or doesn’t) for you [email protected]
- Receive cool sticker!
Ever notice how no matter how much RAM you add, your memory ends up full of… something? How your desktop is snappier after a reboot? Strange lags when nothing of interest is going on? Do you reboot your servers nightly or weekly to avoid a service from crashing? Do you wonder how much RAM are you really using or how much more you actually could use? Have you run a job confident you have more than enough memory for, but it’s not enough? Feel like your system just isn’t very smart at managing memory? You’re right, it isn’t very smart and that’s where BitFlux can help. Works especially good keeping your desktop clean and lets you cram more services into your homelab set up. Take a look at BitFlux Uses Cases
Thanks for your support!
,Jared Hulbert
BitFlux, Inc.