If you guys want a free copy of Thief Gold. The original Thief. Go to this website.
Fill in fake information and you'll get a code for Amazon. Put in the code and the game becomes free.
It looks sketchy but I've done it and trust me it works.
Dude, it actually works...
I told you lol. It gives you a Steam code then and you get the game haha
I wasn't sure it would work but free game so, cool.
Do we know if this is legit or not. Read that a video submission is required!?
Sorry answered my own question.
could somebody send me a code because I'm not able to register my credit card... :-/
you can send me the code on steam (/id/anhur) thanks in advance boys :)
i would but it took me ages to get one for my self cause i had to make a fake US account to be able to do it my self sorry friend
Thanks Brah http://gyazo.com/1c028364d08568118c6de9519152df25
Time to start a new business of selling copy's of theif
Same issue as you,my friend. No US billing address,unfortunately.I only have a US shipping address.
Thank You! just actually entered my real info I was so excited. Oh well...I'll just junk whateveter they send me
I sent you one, Anhur; Check your email.
Have you gotten one yet? Lebozo?
No sir,i have not. Getting a fake billing address is fraudulent,no?
Well I just sent you one :). Just wanted to be helpful too