Free Browser suggestions?

Eh no?

You stated that "Opera is not Free Software". And we just differentiated between "Free Software" and "Open Source". And Opera is "Free Software", it is just not "Open Source". And this is what I was saying from the start. Nothing to do with trolling.

Opera is not Free Software. Please read the definition of what Free Software is. Free does not mean gratis here.

After the edit you did, if you define it this way yes, Opera is not free in that way, tho I never said it was either :wink:

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@turin231, @mihawk90, is fine to discuss this privately.

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Guess we're done anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

I currently use a browser called Brave it will work with Debian and falls under the Foss category, it is also a privacy browser that replaces Adobe flash with Pepper flash.

I dunno, lynx?