Free Alternative To Quake Live

So if you are like many other people and don't like what has happened to Quake Live, there is this great alternative game called Xonotic. It's extremely fun and Tek Syndicate has a server for instagib. The one issue is that it isn't on Steam so there aren't many people on it yet, which is why I'm trying to get it more out there. Hopefully enough of you guys join so we can get some real fun matches going. Hope to see you guys!!!

Tremulous and other amazing gratis and free Quake replacement games are out there too. Like Red Eclipse.

I have downloaded it and played 5 mins just so see it. I was out all weekend so I did not get to play online yet but I look forward to it.

You could try Warsow. It's a free game made for fast FPS lovers.

Quake 3 Arena... Just saying, can't be too much on steam these days. Runs on the Raspberry Pi too!


I agree with Q3 with torney map pack (think this was the latest patch) its so much fun.



We had a group playing last night. We ended up switching servers since there was no way to vote on game type. 

Insta-Gib is only fun for so long.