Frame rate drops from High Fps to low Fps then repeats

My frame rates keep stuttering/dropping  from 50fps then down to 20fps in games like bf4, titanfall, day z...e.t.c. I'm using an xfx 7850 black edition card with 2gbs of vram. I would usually think i would need a more powerful card but it runs fine at 50 fps fine then drops after a few seconds then goes back up. I clean install all my drivers and have't overclocked it; its only factory overclocked. Any suggestions?


*P.S. I'm getting a r9 280x this week because I'm really frustrated with the cards fluctuation in performance. 

I have to ask. What monitor setup and resolution are you playing with? If its 2560x1440 single monitor with a secondary 1920x1080 monitor as an IM/Chat/Browser monitor, your 2GB VRAM might be getting in the way.

Im using a single tv as my monitor at 1080p.

Try using mantle, unless you already are, then use direct X. Something is upsetting the card. Is there anything significant happening in game that might be a trigger? Adjust the in-game graphics settings and see how low you need to go for it to stop. It might just be one thing causing it. Does it happen during the campaign or online or both?

Sound's like you have an issue with the GPU itself. Titanfall and DayZ should run at 60 FPS with that GPU with very little framerate drop. Also what are all the specs of your system, because using a HD 7950 with a lowball core i3 2 core CPU may and will cause problems with modern CPU intensive games.

Mantle makes my game stutter more and gives me lower fps. It usually happens when Im near enemies. My ping is always under 25 and I doubt its my internet connection. 

I have a fx 6300 with 8gbs of ram at 1600mhz.

I don't believe that your card is physically broken in any way. It seems more of a driver/software issue that is beyond your control.  I too would be a bit annoyed if I suffered this same problem and would consider another graphics card but, if you can, hold on to your 7850 for a little longer. That card has just appeared on the recommended list for some very new games and is still a strong piece of hardware. IMO a stronger investment would be to wait for a R9-380x or a gtx 870 and, as hard as it is for me to say it, lower your graphics setting for a while. Another point is that BF4 is a new game and very unfinished, therefor you have potential for amd to update drivers or, for dice to fix the problem, as it may not only be you with this issue. Sorry for not being able to diagnose your problem but, best of luck if you decide to get the 280x, there is never a problem that can't be solved with more power.

Well, AMD CPUs are honestly pretty awful for Dayz since it's very poorly threaded from my understanding. That would easily explain your FPS drops there. As for Titanfall, I don't know how many cores it can use. And I wouldn't expect your CPU to be bottlenecking you on BF4 since it can use all of your cores. But I'm pretty sure the FPS drops on DayZ are due to your CPU, although since your GPU is causing problems on other games that could be a problem as well.