Fractal Design Define R4 vs Silverstone RV03

  • Similar price where i live
  • I will probably have a 140/120 closed loop cooler in there at some point
  • i want to crossfire 2x7870s in the future
  • looks are irrelevant

Your opinions are appreciated. 

Would you like a sound dampening case or one with better airflow?

better airflow ....... i can buy sound dampening foam if it is an issue

Oh god, if you made me choose between these id probs go anhero, id go silverstone, just because of those fans, but the R4 is cheaper, gahhh im probably making it worse lol.

.................. *Brain melts* :/'''

The silverstone will have better airflow.

I'd say go for the R4, more for your money!

I personally bought an R4 fairly recently in arctic white. Other than my PSU fan now being the loudest part of the case, it drastically reduced the overall machine noise. The airflow hasn't been an issue at all for me with the rotatable drive bays! 

I've only taken a quick glance at the Silverstone, and from my own needs, it doesn't quite fit what I've looked for in a case. Albeit my answer is semi-biased due to ownership\loving the chassis, I have to lean toward the R4. Overall I'd say your choice should boil down to your needs, what you're really looking for in a case!

Antec GX700 = better cooling than an R4 and is likely cheaper depending on where you are in the world.

Ugly case, but you said looks didn't matter.

Here are the benchmarks that show it eating more expensive cases for breakfast in the cooling delta department.

Are those with stock fans though ?

I would go R4, I like the looks better and the removable drive sleds will make adding a HD easier once a video card is installed.

I say the Raven 3. That case is totally awesome, and supports E-ATX motherboards where the R4 does not. Plus it's great for air cooling, if you are not using water cooling

Everything was stock in that review.

nice one lads! R4 sounds good for me.... also it looks like to black monolith from.......

2001: A Space Odyssey!!!!

Dafuq... corsair 200r has better cooling AND SIMILAR NOISE to the R4????? 

Aesthetics over utilitarian features. Tsk tsk.

well 1 140mm in and out through what im guessing was all the hard drive cages they left in seems about right, i have 2 140's in the front of mine with the top drive cage removes and my deltas arent even close to what they had


Get the R4, the Silverstone RV03 looks really dumb.

The R4 is great for airflow and it has noise reduction foam.*

*Not sure if the R4 windowed version has noise reduction foam.

I'd go for the Define R4 personally.  If you're really looking for airflow though, get the NZXT Phantom.