Fractal Design Define R4 Side Panel

Hello all,

If any of you are familiar with Fractal Design's cases, I have a Define R4 and was considering ordering a replacement windowed side panel. They do not sell a windowed version for the R4, although they do sell one for the Arc Midi, which actually will fit on the R4. My question is, is the size of the window on the Arc Midi the same as the R4? I really need a window on my case, but if it's gonna be smaller for the replacement I might not even go for it. I know this is an odd question, but if anybody can figure this out I'd love to know.



This website lists it as the same windowed panel.

Do you have the standard black side panel?

You could make your own window:

Since I've been slow at doing it, I'll give you my idea.. I've wanted to buy a sheet of Smoked acrylic and counter sink little magnets into the acrylic. Then the entire side panel will just be a window. I like to see all the junk inside, not just my gpu. I took measurements of my R4 months ago but have just been working on other things.