All my standard issues with Define S series in general, now in tiny form factor. Great. The same issues I had with the bigger Define S, and they haven't changed anything. Let's have this nice open interior and not obstruct the airflow with anything. Now let's obstruct the airflow with the freaking front of the case... Let's use again this stupid plastic piece on top, that if I want go use as exhaust I need to kill the visual uniformity of the case... Yeah, great idea. Fractal, stop it. How can you make so good cases internally and f up the outside so bad? PS: Best worst joke evar...
This doesn't look too bad for my Proxmox machine. I really need to replace it's case. The current one I picked up for five bucks so I can't complain too much.
Although I think the 80-90 USD price point is a bit high. I might wait to see if I can get it on sale 60-70 USD.
Open front, uniform top, no matter if you install fans or not. Perfect for open interior, because it will basically be skeleton, holding one side panel, one window and mesh all around. And it's Fractal case. And it's functional and beautiful and minimalistic... With the define S series open interior will be the greatest case in the history of PC cases ever...
Ah I see, yeah I get what you're getting at with the top. I do wish the top was flush. Total PITA cleaning out dust with the vents sank down that way. Thanks for clarifying!
This has been my general feeling with fractal lately: They will release something, I will think "Wow I need that" then after a bit more looking into it I want to get a Ncase M1 again. Someday when I will earn actual money...
This time, this case is not that much smaller than my current Define Mini, while looking to be more targeted at water-cooling with the lack of drive cages and the whatnot.