FPS Problems! Please help!

Hey everyone. I used to be able to play games like DayZ and FC3 with maxed out settings with a comfortable 45-60 fps. Lately, I can't even turn on DayZ, or for that matter, Arma 2 because I get such terrible fps. Here is my build:

i7 3770k

ASUS P8Z77-V Pro

Gigabyte AMD Radeon HD 7970

16GB Corsair Vengeance 16GB

Samsung 830 256GB

WD Caviar Black 2TB

All my drivers are updated, and I refuse to turn down my graphics settings because I paid $400 for that crappy card.

7970's are great cards sir, you can burn in a fire. I get fine fps in Arma 2, reinstall windows. I know everyone hates that answer but when people are getting bad fps and games and such I always suggest that and it's never failed.

tried reinstalling arma2? :P past few days my arma2 would just keep randomly crashing, a reinstall fixed it

I sure hope you didn't try turning your view distance up to 10,000 meters. That doesn't work very well on any modern computer, and you certainly don't need that for DayZ.

Also, make sure your video memory option is on "Default" and not "Very High". Default means it actually checks how much memory you have, while very high means 512 mb.

I've seen Arma 2 run 10-20% better if I turn off hyper-threading for my 2600k.

I hope you're not implying that a 7970, the most powerful single GPU you can buy (in most games) for less than 1000 bucks, is incapable of playing Arma 2. Clearly it's a software problem. My 7870 plays it just fine.

People often call Arma 2 inefficient, which is true to some extent, but most people don't realize that maxing all the settings isn't the point. Their philosophy is that if you give people a lot of options, they will find whatever balance they like best between view distance, graphical quality, and performance. Like most of the rest of the game, it's about trusting the player with freedom to make choices for themselves.

All that ranting aside (sorry if that seemed hostile, I had to answer that exact questions hundreds of times once DayZ started getting popular), what kind of "terrible" fps are we talking about here? 5? 25? 35? I can help if I know what settings you're trying to push, where you're testing it, and what fps you're getting.