FPS Game suggestions?

So lately I have been playing the hell out of CS:GO (Gold Nova II with only 60 hours played 0.o) and DayZ (33 hours in one week....) so I am looking for other games to play before I get bored. These games are still very interesting to me, but I have to constantly rotate games or I will get bored. I like Chivalry a lot, but there really isn't any metagame to it, nothing to keep me coming back to it. Same for Rising Storm/RO2 however I still love those two. Don't get me started on how big of a fail ROTT 2013 was... 

So anyway, I was wondering what FPS games you guys play the most of? No I don't like TF2 btw. I am hesitant towards spending $60 on BF4 and still feeling left out because I don't have Premium.

serious sam HD

Hmm, memories. I played all the Serious Sam games on my Xbox when I was little. I got Serious Sam 3: BFE in the Humble Bundle a while back, and it honestly sucked compared to the old ones. Serious Sam HD is just a remake of one of the originals right? 

killing floor, on a heavily modded server

yes, remake of 1 and 2. thankfully.

If you're interested in BF4 then I would take a look at Planetside 2. Although I don't know how you wouldn't have already heard of it.....

I used to play PS2 a lot, but none of my friends like it and it isn't much fun to play alone.

natural selection 2, can be very teamwork dependant like RS/RO2

i believe its up for a dollar on humble bundle's weekly right now too

Bulletstorm was fun as FUCK! so check it out and yes i swear alot !

Do NOT get BF4, seriously. The core gameplay mechanics are just broken and it is ultimately a frustrating experience if you're trying to do well in this game. If you're looking for something that is a bit like BF4 you could try Planetside 2. I don't like the free2play model myself, but you can progress fairly quickly and the standard guns are really good. Just make sure you either get a few friends to play it or you join an outfit and play on coms. It can be really fun.

Chivalry can be an amazing game in duel mode. It is a completely different game when you play duels. I usually listen to some music and have a good time for an hour or two. The players you will encounter there are on a completely different level compared to most TO or TDM servers.

If you like working as a team I would say Payday 2

cod4 promod, pub sucks but get some friends together and do pcw, theres still a quite active community (at least in EU) 

Sockers list of outstanding FPS Games


  • Battlefield: Bad Company 2
  • Blacklight: Retribution [FREE]
  • Call of Duty 4
  • Counter-Strike 1.6
  • Counter-Strike: Source
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  • Natural Selection 2
  • Team Fortress 2 [FREE]
  • Quake 3 Arena
  • Quake Live [FREE]
  • Tribes: Ascend [FREE]
  • Unreal Tournament 2004


  • Killing Floor
  • Left 4 Dead 2
  • Portal 2


  • Bioshock
  • Half-Life
  • Half-Life 2
  • Half-Life 2 Episode 1
  • Half-Life 2 Episode 2
  • Portal 
  • Portal 2
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl


This is just opinion, not a factual list of "Outstanding FPS games".

I have probably missed something that escaped my mind while writing this :)