FPS Drop in games

So in most games my FPS drops down really low for a couple of seconds and then goes back to normal.This happens even in games I know I can run no problem like CSGO , I get a constant 120+ FPS and then the game FPS will just drop down really low for some reason.

I have checked CPU and GPU temps and they seem ok, http://gyazo.com/763...7f061efdf7555a8
CPU cooler is a Hyper 212 that has recently been installed and case is a source 210 elite , i have a side fan and a rear fan for intake and then a top 120mm for exhaust.

Temps after running Sniper Elite 3 benchmark http://gyazo.com/7ba...54c2cdc0464b07b

Defrag your harddrive, check RAM useage, try to run a minimal ammount of applications while in games and see if that helps.
Potentially, there could be a software error which might be reported by Windows. Look for errors/warnings which occured during gameplay.
There's a quick intro on the WIndows Event Viewer here:

Also none of your links work.

Would you say 6.1GB is High usage when playing CSGO

system specs?

None of your links work, and 6.1 GB of RAM usage during CS:GO is not normal, unless you have stuff running in the background.

Sorry forgot to fix that
http://gyazo.com/7ba6ed59f3e56648254c2cdc0464b07b there you go.

Ehh, do you have Afterburner logs...?

ran Valley Benchmark and there were no frame Drops

Umm, I'm pretty sure there was fluctuation in framerate, considering the fact that your GPU maxed out at times... and none of those images have framerate or frametime in them. Need a lot more info than this.

Yeah Min frames was 21, nothing like in CSGO where it drops to like 5 frames for a good couple of seconds.