For Logan, Wendel, or Qain: Gaining Connection as an ISP

So I didn't really know who out of the 3 would be the best to ask this, or if anyone would actually know the specifics, but it's worth a shot.


I'm currently working on a business plan to start a Fiber Optic based ISP. I have some background in Networking, but the issue is that I'm rather clueless on the Telecommunications part. At first I was just going to get the Fiber backed network up but I like the idea of going further and being a local, more open, ISP for those who don't want the stupid bundles and just want faster internet at a reasonable price.


My question is this:

Obviously I wouldn't have enough money to do something crazy like send up my own satellite and be completely independent, and I don't want to piggy back on another company like Verizon or Time Warner. Does anyone know what channels or what would be the best path to take for actually getting the connection to offer to people?


Any advice or information is great.


Are you in a metro area, or a more rural area? You've got a bit of homework to do to find out who is in your area. Your "ISP" connection is probably going to be $5k-$10k per month. A single 1gbit connection would probably support about 50 people with 100mbit connections (+- you need to look at this).

How's you BSD/Linux skills? You'll probably be best off building your core routing infrastructure directly with freebsd or linux rather than buying it to keep costs low. (FWIW I think cisco is gearing up to sue facebook/google/etc back to the middle ages because they're doing "open source" core routers and apparently cisco has the monopoly on moving packets from A to B)