Not sure where to put this or if it’s even a valid question. I’m an absolute novice at all things home server and have been bashing my head against the wall trying to get several dockers and services running correctly in Unraid. That being said is there anyone for hire to do these things for me or should I just stay the course and keep trying? Thanks!
Keep trying,
take the time to organize your thoughts in a post, where you explain what you are trying to do, what you already did, and where it is failing, and, depending on how crazy the thing you want to do is, someone might help you for fun (that’s what we do all day here anyway).
Just keep in mind it’s not paid support, and we cannot (yet) read your mind, so the more organized your thoughts and your ask, the more focused answers will be …
What I personally do when I get lost is I break things down into smaller pieces until I can get to a point I can grasp (I may end up with something completely unrelated and not to the point to what I was trying to do originally though …) but to each their own …
Stay the course. Maybe post what you are stuck on / what resources you are using as refrence.
You will always learn something from it. Just dont forget to write the learnings down, otherwise, it could then be a real waste of time.
Also try TrueNAS, maybe?
Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I’m going to stay with unraid since already have been using it as a nas so I’d be afraid to loose data. I’m going to walk away from it for a few days start fresh and log the problems for input from the forums. Thanks again everyone
Change when you upgrade drives. Are you using zfs?
I’m always curious why people try to use solutions where they have no knowledge or ability to debug when or if it stops working (docker based services seems to be a common issue many times). If you have some kind of experience with a Linux distro and/or UNIX I’d suggest that you base your home server around a standard dist rather than shoehorning random services into a NAS oriented distro where there’s little to no documentation available. That would also make your life a lot easier later on both troubleshooting and maintaining. Once you get a hang of things you can go with more advanced solution if you deem it necessary. Do note that due the nature of some programming languages such as Node(JS) it’s pretty much impossible to package such projects in a sane and consistent manner so you’re stick with solutions such as Docker for such.
People have this idea that you can have frequent breakages with Docker, nuke it, then rebuilding a functional one from scratch should be quick and painless. This shouldn’t be the norm but with fast moving components that can overwhelm your control, this is the only sane way it seems.
Computers (in this case Docker) should be treated as cattle (or farmed chickens if you like that analogy better), not pets.