Follow my site Development!

Hey all, I've decided I've reached a point where I can safely show my site off. If you know how to drop my databses, please refrain from doing so lol. Still need to work on more advanced protection.

Heres the url:

no plugins. Hand. Coded. [HTML/CSS/PHP] so far.


Indeed, call me an idiot.

 If you're looking to join me in the construction of the site as a dev, I'm happy to have help/partnership. let me know and we'll talk.

I'm planning on launching Debate Slate as a discussion forum, with polling heavily integated. This is what should set it apart from other forums.

Any and all constructive critisism/suggestions/free code is appreciated, however remember the site is in it's infancy. I'm most likely planning on doing whatever fix you're suggesting. ;)



I do the occasional bit of coding in HTML/CSS/PHP as well. The general layout of the site looks quite clean and overall nice. However, in my opinion the color selection is not very easy on the eyes. But that's personal preference. You're also using things like <center> tags and inline styles which I would not recommend. Simply as a rule of thumb. Reason being that an external stylesheet (as you are using anyway) is much easier to access should you decide to change something and you don't have to go back and change that little detail on every page you have (which can quickly become more than you originally anticipated). And you should put CSS code that you use on several pages in one .css file and not split them up into several files even if they style different things. By doing so you increase the amount of HTTP requests to your sever and slow it down. Just a few thoughts.

thanks for the reply. those are fair points. 97% of my css is external. I have it in different sheets atm in order to make it easier to manage. I may combine it later when I'm "done" (never really done). I agree center tags are not ideal. and for display:inline; (which is all external css) I've had trouble getting certain floats working, so used display instead. 


Thanks again.

Layout's good, the font though.... it's dreadful. May I suggest myriad pro cond mixed(or roboto cond if lisencing is an issue, it's essentially the same thing.) with regular helvetica?

Looks awesome! I agree with the above about the font. Its not dreadful but not ideal. Awkward is the best I can put it.

Everything looks pretty good expect that font. It really hurts my eyes. Also you might want to look into using something like Netsparker. It's a pretty good program that finds vulnerabilities on your site. I just ran a quick scan and a couple came up. Not sure if you are using them but you might want to look into using prepaired statments also. They are great for preventhing SQL injection.

I also think it's great that your creating it your self. I'm doing something simlar right now but I'm using bootstrap for all the css. I'm more concerned with the actually programming over front end design.

thanks a bunch. I'm aware theres some vulnerabilities, and they need to be taken care of. all I'm using for cleaning query strings is mysql_real_string_escape I'm planning to make that more robust, however. I'l definately take a look at netsparker.

 Also, I updated the font to 'Junction' by google fonts. Let me know if it fits alright.

I don't really know what your previous font looked like, but I'm fine with the current one. The color choices are good, you're making sure to keep the font black on top of a light/white background. Is this the first site you've ever worked on or do you have prior experience? I just started working on a site for my fiance to use as a blog/portfolio and I've been working on another site for about a year and I can tell you, I have always dreaded asking people to criticize my work. So good on you for coming out here and asking people to look at it.

Thanks! I had a font called geo before. I've changed it to a standard sans serif font since, which is better.