Floppy drive music, you should try making some


You and Wendell should give floppy drive music a try.  You provide the musical know how and Wendell provides the technological how-to.  If you're unfamiliar to this there's a great youtube channel to get familiar with it: MrSolidSnake745.


That would be really cool Zwieihander on floppy drives!

No need for any technological know-how, it's all been done before.  Here is the Moppy software that everyone uses to do this, I had a hand in writing the documentation for it:


The original YouTube channel of the guy who created everything used to do this is:


Nice link.  I have no idea how to use an Ardunio, let alone how to use Moppy.  Looks easy enough for someone who know's what they are dealing with.

If you have the hardware it's pretty much drag and drop.  A java applet runs on the computer and talks over serial to the arduino which just sends pulses to the floppy drives.  Works straight out of the box, the hardest part is getting a nice sound from the drives, and much of that comes from making a good musical arrangement, which is where MrSolidSnake745 excels.

damn, MrSolidSnake745 has stopped taking requests due to his backlog. If we want it done we have to do it ourselves.