Looking at cases for my new PC build coming up here soon. I’d like a flatbed case, but not what you think. I’m thinking like the HAF XB EVO or the HAF Stacker. I just don’t know whats out there and there isn’t an easy way to just have them listed on ebay.
So, if you have a case like this, what do you recommend?
Needs to: be atx or matx (atx preferred)
Have at least 1 HDD (3.5) drive cage… somewhere
Needs to have room for H110i v2
If possible to not have windows that would be amazing
My computers are work horses, not showroom pieces.
If you have a HAF Stacker XB I will buy it from you immediately
Budget is 300 or less, I need atxor matx, I can honestly make my own drive mounts but if theres room for at least one normal sized HDD thats all I’d need honestly.
I do not think so… I do not know honestly… most of those are cubes to the point you can literally swap the panels, but I don’t know if they allow special order of windowless cases…
Well I want a flatbed because I want as little wear and tear as possible on the machine. Means 0 weight in any direction except down on the pcie bracket, etc.