Flashing green pixels + PC crashes - new gpu?

I recently upgraded from an EVGA GTX 670 to one of the new MSI R9 390's. When I first got my old 670 it fried, had to send it in for a new one. when I got the new one, it would randomly give me "no HDMI signal" messages on my monitor. i ended up fixing this simply by switching from a HDMI>HDMI from monitor>gpu to an HDMI>HDMI converted to DVI. this fixed all my problems with the 670. when I installed this r9 390, i just replaced the cards, booted up, installed catalyst/drivers/radeon pro/etc. i only recently uninstalled nvidia drivers. NOW. When I put in the 390, I just used the same HDMI>HDMI>DVI setup I had before without thinking about it. after a while I got this really weird green pixels flashing all over dark spots on my screen,and constant from lag/stutters in simple to run games.

I reinstalled the card and made it a pure HDMI>HDMI cable (removed the converter) and it worked perfectly for a couple days. Now I'm getting the ol' "no HDMI signal" and no amount of jiggling or plugging or spamming or reworking things will fix it, the only way to fix it is to restart my entire pc. Happens every 15-20 minutes. So I switched back to the converted cable, and now I get the green pixels flashing in dark spots and NOT the lag, but CRASHES. Just played a game of CS:GO and my entire PC had to be restarted TWICE. When it crashes, my screen goes black and whatever sound that was playing repeats in a ~second loop. like, "he's over there-ere-ere-ere-ere-ere-ere" forever. again, the only thing that fixes this is restarting.

One last thing, I'm getting pretty shit performance compared to what I should be getting with my specs. modded skyrim with a light enb is 40fps doing nothing intensive and CSGO runs at 130-250 fps with fps_max 999.

the rest of my system specs:
-i7 3770k stock clock stock cooler
-MSI R9 390 stock clock
-ASRock Z77 Extreme4 LGA1155 motherboard
-corsair CZ 750M PSU
-750gig HDD (side note, i think my hdd is failing as well. unrelated, i believe)
-16gigs of ram.

Some quick google searches say that the flashing pixel problem is related to VRAM overheating or something to do with how DVI handles information, but I couldn't really find anything solid, and with the HDMI coord everything works fine minus the blackouts that don't crash my pc, just the monitor. Sorry for the wall of text. I'll followup in the comments with a benchmark I ran to see if my card is truely performing sub-par.

Please help, and thanks in advance.

EDIT: Benchmarks. Left was taken right after I first got everything set up, the one on the right I ran about 10 minutes ago. http://gyazo.com/dfffc7d71f01ad13383fcde52ab2d27b

EDIT2: Downloaded GPU Temp to see my temps. Sitting at 63c after starting up my pc and running heaven benchmark, it's been about 15 minutes and temp has been 63-65C. Also the "GPU Core" under "Load" usually sits at 0.0% with random spikes to 20-100% (usually either 99 or in the 50's). idk if that's a reliable source of info or.

Makes me think of two things. Either heat or power. This could be due to a faulty card, a faulty psu, or lack of airflow. What temps are you getting on the core and the vrms? Are the fans spinning up properly? Too much? Not enough? Does your case have enough airflow? Do you think your psu might be the problem? I am by no means an expert on these things, but that is what it makes me think of.

made some edits about temps/load. I think the fans might be running a little too much, I've noticed my PC has been really loud, which is weird considering this card has 2 big ass fans and my old 670 had 1 fan closed unit sorta thing goin. I thought it might just be my CPU cooler, considering I'm running the stock cooler, it's always been pretty loud. I'll download something to look at my actual fan speeds. It's been about 10 minutes of me just sitting here on my desktop and refreshing this page and the cards still sittin happy at 63C.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I don't know how to test my PSU, but I've got a pretty big case and really tight cable management. (Corsair C70 Arctic White, is the case. discontinued now i believe) so I don't think it's an airflow thing. Still 63C.

Start with a clean driver base

Aside from that test with another cable and monitor/tv.

None of that works test the 390 in another PC, if same shit happens then RMA it asap. If it works then we can troubleshoot from there.

Doin this now. Redownloading the drivers atm. Just a note, I noticed the green pixel issue running 800x600 with no drivers.

Done. To no avail. Everything's the same.

Happen to have a second rig laying around?

Not one capable of anything. a reeeeaally old shittop with like a pre pentium cpu and a matrox millenium 5500, and like half or 1 gig of ram.

I don't think that will cut it. I am looking to eliminate the psu and mobo as potential issues. Something that old likely wouldn't be able to handle it at all, so yeah no use. You could try contacting the manufacturer or the seller. See if they will take it back.

I can get a replacement for the next, like, 15 days. I guess I'll have to, I don't have another pc to test it in. Update, tho, I can't seem to install CCC. "Driver Install: the installation failed" wtf

I would get that worked out before trying to send it back since you have the time. I'm no expert in that field though.

it does kind of sound like a bad card. testing it with another computer, that is already running amd, is ideal. also, i'm assuming you don't have dvi on the monitor. if you aren't using the audio push thru, just go straight dvi and see if that helps.

just cleaned all drivers and reinstalled my 670, packed up 390 for shipping. I think the HDMI No signal issues are with my monitor/cable, but the crashes and green pixels are the card. The random spikes from 0% to 50-100% load for a couple of seconds in GPU Temp is what really worried me. Getting better fps in CS:GO with this 670 than I was with the 390. I'll be sure to clean drivers out again before I install the new card, for sure. Thanks for the help. I also immediately noticed when I booted with my 670 that my pc was like, 1/4th as loud, which is weird cause it's this card http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-Dual-Link-Graphics-02G-P4-2670-KR/dp/B007Z3HZIA which isn't exactly known for being dead silent.