Flash Game anyone?

Hello ladies and gents,

I am looking for people around my age (17), to create a Flash Game. I have a few projects started. However a new project can be started from scratch as well

I've pretty much self taught myself Actionscript 2, and I am a trully mediocre programmer. And even though I can hack things to work, I am terrible at art, and that is the reason why I never finish any games I start. So even though other programmers would be usefull too, im specially looking for people who can create sprites and textures for the games.

Essentially I just want to get some teamwork experience going with programming. Organisation, and all that boring crap that will be valuable later in life.

Even though I did mention that I would rather have people my age to work along with, anyone is welcome to help, but I didnt want to get too experienced programmers and game makers into the project so all the work isnt done by one person, which kind of defeats the whole purpose.

Here, projects that ive started that have something showable. Bare in mind they are in very early development states.

Hello there, i'm a 16 year old graphic designer studying graphics and art in college (Level 3), get back to me if  you need any help!!

[Contact me]

-Skype -Mattwillis5

-E-mail [email protected]