Fixes/tweaks for BF4

Has the teksyndicate community got some fixes or tweaks for the horribly broken BF4 right now? I know that there won't be some magic fix found by the community to eliminate the crashing, but maybe you know some stuff that helps in other areas.

I personally hate input lag, it makes gaming not enjoyable in my opinion. That's why I did the usual stuff and turned off all kinds of VSync, AA and ambient occlusion. The game still felt like rubbish though. It seems BF4 does not care about your global settings in the nvidia control panel, it rendered 2 or 3 frames ahead even though I have the max value set globally to 1. Anyway, after adding the command: renderdevice.renderaheadlimit 1 to my user.cfg I can enjoy the game again (as long as it doesn't crash or the hitregistration makes me ragequit....)


So, is there anything you found out, did this help you?

People on windows 7 seem to be having a lot of success with the core parking fix. Did you try that for yourself?

I have a 4670k, so no need to unpark any cores. I'd rather keep my power saving features on. It seems many people got confused by it. From what I read it only affects virtual cores, which I can confirm because my 4670k runs at max core clock, never drops and all 4 cores are doing work when playing BF4.

As for the hitreg, that is caused by tards who play on servers with high pings that they shouldn't be on and DICE's notoriously shitty netcode (still client side detection I believe) and also a little bit of it is because the game isn't hitscan, it actually uses projectiles. Which really shouldn't effect you unless you just suck at aiming. I'm speaking from my 1000 hours of BF3 experience though, I've yet to play BF4.

If you are going to pick up BF4 you're up for a surprise.... Because at the moment the netcode is far worse than it was in BF3, people dying half a second after you shot them in the face with a shotgun, people eating whole mags just to turn around and kill you or getting shot from people that are not even facing you. It happens on all servers, even if everyone has <50 ping. And all of this is coming from a 1000+ SPM BF3 player, not from a whining noob who does not understand recoil and bullet travel time ^^

^^^ yep bf4 is a mess at the moment...and ive played 80hrs so far and havent had a problem free game yet.

(I did disable the stupid auto leaning in the config files because it was a annoyance)

I wasn't accusing you of being one of those noobs, and yeah I know the kind of people you're talking about haha.

They need to fix it, the support for Nvidia graphics is horrible, on the gtx 765m it barely runs above 25fps where as Battlefield 3 got 75fps on identical settings. The game isn't that huge a jump. Very annoying.