My graphics card arrived this morning so I finished my build, I plug it in, turn it on and all fans are spinning, all 4 cpu lights are on basicly everything seems fine, I plug in my DVI adapter and then a VGA cable into that, plug it into monitor but the monitor says there is no signal.
I took the GPU out and the mounted it again but that did nothing, I'm not sure what to do. It isn't the cables I tried my HDMI cable and still no signal.
I read about people resetting something called a CMOS on the JBAT pins or something, but on the 3 pins there isn't any 'jumper thing.
You can reset your cmos without a jumper. Just touch the 2 pins on the right of JBAT1 with a flat head screw driver. Your board also recommends installing a single gpu into the first pci-e slot if you haven't. No, you don't need drivers installed before and stick with the dvi cable.
Ah still no luck, I don't know if I need to but I can't flash my bios without it starting in the first place from what I'm aware, I don't think any of my parts are faulty either, all fans are spinning on the card and in the computer and the CPU lights are on at the top of the motherboard. I have no clue what to do now I tried resetting the cmos by reseating the battery and touching the 2 pins with screwdriver but I have no way of seeing if it worked.
I guess you tried every slot? Do you have a speaker plugged into the front panel connector? Your mobo doesn't have an error LED, so you need a speaker to hear any boot errors. A single quick beep means everything is ok.
I have one exactly the same as that plugged in already but it doesn't make any beeping all, I remembered about a TINY bit of thermal paste I got on the mobo weeks ago and I forgot about it, I'm pretty sure it's not the conductive stuff it was only £1.50 but could it still be causing these problems?