Are you fucking kidding me? Three? This quickly? Five Nights 1: August 8th 2014, Five Nights 2: November 11th 2014, and no we are getting 3? Can you say cash grab? I'm sorry but this is just stupid how fast he is making these games. Guy gets popular and then he gets greedy. GG.
A friend put to to me this way when I had the same reaction.
Think of it as chapters or parts in an episodic series. Part one introduces the concept and the characters. Part two fills in some back story. Now part three is the continuation of the story.
What makes it worse is if you view it this way that have pulled off the perfect episodic launch timing. Every time TellTale games bring out a new series there is a few months to over a half a year between episodes, and people complain. These guys launch consistently and properly and people complain.
Really this is not a problem with so many so fast but rather naming. If it was just called a series this would be praised for its consistent and quick releases.
I dont really agree with you there, the story that is told in the background is quite interesting and is not just made up. for more info watch these two vids on the subject.
Meh, it's Five Nights at Freddy's, aka "Boring shit, boring shit, JUMP SCARE, boring shit" the game. I couldn't care less how many he wants to release per year. I'm not interested.
These videos would merely support that the games were all wrote at the same time since they all tie into each other so well. Not that each game was made from scratch, but rather that the stories for each game have already long since been wrote and now it's just about actually making the game itself which wouldn't take long considering how simple they are from a programming point of view.
Also the games aren't exact complex if you're the person making the complexity. It's a case of making a maze in 2 minutes that takes 3 minutes to solve.
For example if I said I wanted to make a game based on the Edmund Kemper murders but I didn't want anyone to know that it was based on that so I set it in a dream world that you don't know is a dream would it take long to write? No I already have all of my story wrote for me in that it's basically just a cross between a true story in the murders and inception/the sixth sense in it's execution.
Does this mean that the story is bad? Absolutely not, just means I don't think the story would take that long to write and even if it did there is a large chance that the story for ALL the games has already long since been wrote.
I was just purely talking about from a programming point of view when I said you could start with nothing and have a fully working Five Nights game in a short time but hey, you can feel free to disagree with me but since the FNAF games are coming out incredibly quickly one after another I feel that I can stand by my statement that you could make a fully working FNAF type game including story in a short time if you knew what you were wanting to do.
well lets be honest here. we all got scared first time we played this game. The story though, watch game theorys vids on youtubes, he gives a really good explanation on this game and the series.