First Timer needing help

Okay so I am new to this whole PC building, but I have noticed it is a great way to edit videos and just have some fun either gaming or doing whatever, so I need some help or suggestions please! I do have a few items already from my dad’s old pc that is super out of date except for a couple things that are newer and still usable: Cooler Master 500W power supply that works well and I think is not too loud (could be wrong), and a Cooler Master cpu cooling fan? (I am sorry I do not know specifics about it, I know it is about 5ish years old or newer with 3 contact points to the CPU? Can I remove it from old CPU to a new CPU? I do not know much about this so stick with me while I mess up what I am saying).  I also have a hard drive with about 50GB of storage left out of about 150GB of total storage with a lot of music that I would like to salvage along with almost 500 GB of songs on 1TB external hard drive that I would like to get music from also! Can I also take the sony dvd/rw disc reader from the old PC to use in a new one?

Oh I do have a HP wireless mouse and keyboard combo and an AOC 27in 1080p IPS monitor that is awesome! Eventually I would love to use dual monitor set up for better efficiency, but not right now. So with the build I was thinking around $350-550, prefer to stay under 500 unless you have some sweet ideas with good deals. Since I have what I do (if I am able to use the older stuff) I am hoping to get some great stuff to add. I live in the United States, and I like newegg or microcenter, open to new places that are reputable. I am not much of a gamer, because I have never really been introduced to gaming on PC mostly just console gaming for me on mainly playstation4.

I really like the AMD build ideas since they get such good reviews from what I have seen and since they can be found and put together for a great price. I like the Samsung 840 EVO 120GB 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-7TE120BW) for $80 looks good? I have seen a couple of AMD set ups that do not require a GPU because the CPU has it built in? Are those a good way to go? I have also seen a couple people recommend using crucial ballistix sport 8GB DDR3 set up, any thoughts or other options? I like windows 8 on my laptop that I got before school a few years back, can I transfer that over to this build? Idk how that works if possible.

I am open to ideas and suggestions, I am a first timer that wants something to last for a long time that is fast, efficient and a great set up with options to upgrade if need be in the future so I do not run into the same problem as my dad and having to outdated internals to be able to upgrade at all. Needs to be great with video editing and streaming music and videos and fun stuff like that. Thank you for your help and I appreciate your time!

First you need to tell us whether gaming or editing is the most prominent requirement for you, and also whether you will be doing a lot of multitasking?

Also, what is your current case? Is it a standard ATX case that can be re used for this build?

It will probably be possible to use your W8 key from the laptop on the new machine, the external HDD will of course be fine but the internal one could be an IDE drive and be a PITA to fit (look and see if it has a SATA connector or a big ribbon cable in it)

The PSU can be re used, not sure about the cooler it would help if you can post the model of your CPU or motherboard so I can know what socket it is and whether fitment to new sockets is likely.

Editing would be the main and yes multitasking is important. The case he has is an old Codegen 6208 1pw1 I believe. I do not have to use the case. At the moment from what I see the internal drive is an IDE drive no SATA connector. The cooler sits on top of an Intel Pentium 4/ 2.8GHz 800M if that helps? The mother board is an old ECS 865PE-A7 865PE.

I'm taking a huge leap of faith with that PSU... I would generally never recommend a Cooler Master PSU... I doubt you'll have the AMD bracket laying around for the CPU cooler, if it had one that would work with AM3+ to begin with (which isn't out of the spectrum of possible)... regardless... guarantee this one's much better... I met your $550 request, though I'm not particularly proud of the GPU... seeing as gaming isn't so high in your priorities, however, it should do... it'll play high/med @1080p and maxed on lesser demanding games...

Okay thanks! That could work!