First time post, first time build

hey I was recommended to this forum by a friend, he said yous are a bunch of nice people who like to help so i thought I would ask here.

I just sold my system for £1500 so i would like to invest this into a new PC and build it myself and i was hoping that yous could recommend me some stuff as i have never built a pc before.

I will be using it for video game creation so software like, any 3d modelling or sculpting packages, photoshop, unreal engine 4 and stuff like word etc. I would probably play games on it as well.

even though i havnt built a pc before i am en extremely fast learner so im not worried about it being hard or anything.

I was thinking about an ASUS X99 motherboard and i7 processor but not sure which one to get really.

any help and recommendations would be great, also i live in the uk if anyone needs to know that and i can go over the £1500 a bit.

Also worth noting i would need a keyboard and monitors as well.

For someone who's just now getting into building, I would completely recommend PC Part Picker. It lays everything out pretty well, and will make sure that everything is compatible most of the time and that you aren't missing anything.

You're about on the mark as to the minimum of what you can put into a decent X99 system with an i7. Any time you're building a system, I would personally start with a motherboard, then work from there. I put together a little bit of a mach system here as a demonstration. You don't have to use any of it if you don't want to, however I went mostly baseline on most of the components and still was about £100 over. Which you could probably save based on where you actually end up ordering everything from.

Another great tool to use when building is the Passmark benchmark database, as they have benchmarks on everything from RAM, CPUs, GPUs, and HDDs/SSDs. It will basically lay out the performance of one part against another in numbers.

Good luck on your build, if you have any other questions be sure to ask.

hey thanks for replying

so im having a look at pc part picker, love it.

heres something that i have put together

i took some of your stuff and added a couple other things like i went for 24 inch monitors and a slightly smaller graphics card


is there any other RAM that i can get that is 2 x 8GB DDR4? that was the only one i could see that said compatible 

 will all of this work?


A few things :

a GTX 750 ? I would balance the build better with either lower CPU , lower RAM , or lower cooling or something like that to at least get a GTX 970 .

Is your work CPU intensive ? Or is it more GPU ? as the programs you stated are around 50 gpu 50 cpu .

im pretty sure its more CPU with Unreal Engine 4 being the most GPU but its still not that much and they recommend a NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX or higher

the CPU is the lowest i can get for an X99 system though, i was really looking to liquid cool and the RAM i feel i need 16GB

is there anything particularly wrong with the 750?

what brand of 970 should I go for if I go with that?


GTX 750's pretty weak.  If you're going to be using programs that have to do some live 3D rendering, you might wanna look into a stronger GPU.

i would suggest a razer keyboard its more expensive, but its just my thoughts

so im going for this, i do plan to upgrade in the future, so i think this is all pretty good. anyone else think its pretty good?


added the x99-s instead of the x99-a it was only like 3 more pounds

Id personally go for 2x8GB of ram, this leaves you room to upgrade to 4x8GB, which I can see you needing for any rendering/compiling you might do depending on your requirements. (its cheaper too)

i was going to but the only 2 8GB of DDR4 is ugly looking crucial ones

screw it i went for the uglier ones, was thinking and i will probably upgrade once new RAM comes out anyway so i might as well go for the cheaper option.

X99 can take advantage of quad-channel technologies.  The board has 8 slots - I'd take a 4x4GB.

hmm so is using all four slots  with 4GB each make it faster than 2 with 8GB each?

Some Tech Noob and others helped me out with a lot if this, and it's less than 1500 lbs.

For X99, yes.

Also, not sure what you mean by "all four slots", as most X99 ATX motherboards should have 8 slots.

my bad i ment 8 haha

well its only an extra 10 pounds for the 4 so maybeee...

And yes the general consensus is that dual ram works more efficiently than one stick. Even more so with 4 bc of memory load sharing.

thanks, took a look and i really did want to go the X99 route. i am going to go with the gigabyte 970 though cheers.