First time miner

Hi all,
let me paint the scene - a 17 year old that is interested in all things computers that has some hardware lying around that could be used for learning different things, why not try mining?
This will be my first time mining and was wondering what would be the best miner for etherum. The hardware that im looking at consists of a Tesla S1070 that has 4 GPUs in it. i was wondering what would be good for not only the miner but something that would work with this obscure hardware. Ive looked at etherum about 3 months ago and that was when 2gb of v-ram was not enough, would 4GB be enough for the current DAG file?

Also looking at some of the sites that trade the currency look a bit on the sketchy side. Where can i trade coin for spendable money?

Bad idea, you want performance per watt and that Tesla is 2008 tech. Far from the compute per watt metrics that favor mining…

I’m no mining expert so I won’t answer any of your questions since I’m not best suited to do so. All I can say is that, personally, I would be weary of getting into mining right now. My perception of it is that the mining scene as it sits is extremely volatile and unstable. That’s just my guess, and yours is as good as mine, so all I can do is wish you good luck.


I would be wary of investing large amounts of money to get into mining, only do that if you can afford to lose it.

But if you can somehow cobble together a frankenstein rig for cheap, I reckon try it. A bitcoin in the hand is worth many on the wild. The price is pretty high, and people reckon it will only get higher over time, say to 20 grand. Procrastination is the killer here. I scoffed at bitcoin mining for years. If I had even done some half assed attempt at mining 10 years ago, I might be sitting on a few coins now which are worth a bit.

In my case, I am tempted to buy a new gpu for my gaming machine and build a rig out of the 2x 290x cards I currently have in it. While they are not perfectly suited to mining (draw too much power), they are essentially free and I wouldn’t be a grand in the red starting off. But I cant figure out if Vega is worth the plunge or not…

I tend to think this would be better than dropping 5k on gear, and then hoping the price remains solid for the next few months to pay it all off. It depends on what you can afford.

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Unless you live somewhere your electricity comes cheap like places of renewables powering your town.

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Nope, I don’t live under the Niagra Falls. My power is pretty expensive, even with solar panels supplimenting.
Still, I could still make a profit mining at current prices.

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