First time gaming PC build

I'm looking to build my first gaming PC. I will also be using this as a home media PC to play movies/music using an HDMI TV. I'm new to Tek Syndicate and have enjoyed the videos so far. 

Here's my parts list

I could not find the exact mobo on pcpartpicker. I will like to be using the Asus H87M-E. Info on this is here..

There will be more storage in this computer. The SSD is just for the operating system and a few games.

I don't want to overclock, I just don't feel comfortable with it. I just want to slap the parts together and go.

I'm looking for a good 1080 setup. I don't have the plans or budget for higher res gaming. I also like large screens for my old eyes.

I'm choosing Windows 8.1 pro for the sole reason of using remote desktop to communicate with my Windows 7 pro work computer. 

I would like play simulator type games like iracing and War Thunder.

Well what can i say, the build looks realy sollid to me. ☺

The base build looks great.

Some cheaper RAM:

Some cheaper(but still high quality) PSU:

Thanks for the comments.

I forgot to say I'm in Taiwan so I'm limited to what brands I can get here. If you're curious about the prices we can get here check out this site.

This is the store I'm planning to buy from. What they do is if you buy many products at one time they'll give you a nice discount off the total. Last time I was there I priced out my build and it came to around 29,000 NT (1 USD = 30 NT) and they came back with a price around 26,000 NT. Roughly a hundred USD discount.

The one thing that stopped me cold was they didn't have Windows 8.1 in English. Only the Chinese versions were available. I asked if I can get an English copy they said I would have to wait a week. Not sure if they ordered it or not, I can't speak Chinese.

Anyway, Is there a way i can buy Windows 8.1 online and put it in a thumb drive to use later? All I've seen is upgrade to Windows 8.1 online. 

Can I make a Chinese version work in English?

Once again, thanks!

Yeahhhh taiwan pride!  Too bad I can't read traditional mandarin anymore...

You may want to try buying Windows directly from microsoft's website?  I believe you can change the language, but don't quote me on that.  I think my dad changed to chinese from a english version of windows, but I'm not sure how it works in windows 8.1.

Everything seems good; prices don't seem to vary that much on that website.

The setup is good, but I think there is some over spending for someone who is not overclocking. I moved some of the components around and came up with this.

I fit a GTX 770 into the build which will give you some extra power for newer and more demanding games. The overall cost is about $20 more at the time I am posting this.

** I saw Taiwan was added after my post... If you can fit it, then the GTX 770 would be worth it. Prices have come down recently. Again, this all depends on pricing and availability of products.

It looks like I can get the MSI N770 MSI GeForce GTX 770 2GB  for about the same price as your PNY GTX770.

Also the Asus H87M E I plan to use is a couple dollars cheaper here than the Asrocks you listed. The Asus H87M Pro was put on the list because I could find the M E on that site. The build would look akward without a mobo. So, I picked the closest one which happened to be about 40 dollars more than the one i'm planning to get.

The RAM you listed is the exact same price here as the one I picked. But they call it low voltage, whatever that means.

The Intel SSD and Samsung are very close in price here so that's a push also.

I did have to go to a slightly bigger PSU since the MSI card is a power hog. I think the Cosair RM650w will work nicely. 

So for around 60 bucks more I'm getting and even better rig. I think

Thanks for all the help! I've learned a lot.

RM550 would power an i5+GTX 770 just fine.

RM650 will run just fine as well, and be quieter.  Depends if you want to save money on the PSU or have a cooler, quieter power supply.

I just checked, the price difference between the two is 3 dollars. I wonder if they sell any RM550w's haha

Well then.

RM650 it is.

It all sounds good man. The low voltage ram means that it will use less power which is always good as long as it doesn't cost you money.

I want to say thanks for all the help! My gaming rig is up and running great. I had to make a change in the PSU since the RM650 was out of stock. I went with the Cooler Master v650. 

Where can I get some benchmarks? I would like to post up the performance of this build for a reference for others looking to build a $1k rig.

There are a lot of different benchmarks that can be done. Check out or any other benchmarking website and just look at what program they use. You can also get a program called fraps to look at your framerate while playing games and etc.

Really glad it all worked out for you man. Enjoy!