I would recommend a R9 280 over the GTX760 unless you need cuda, better bang for buck in gaming. Otherwise looks good. 750 watt is a little over what you need but gives room to grow. Lastly, sooner or later you will want a better CPU cooler.
I would recommend checking out the pentium G3258 if gaming is all your doing, it's very inexpensive and it performs pretty damn well. I am using one right now with a gtx 760 and i'm running metro last light on very high (no AA) with the game playing between 35-40 fps (give or take a few frames). That said, if this is a build your planning on using for quite some time (3+ years) the 8 core might prove to be more future proof.
Also, if you can afford an ssd (even a 128gb just for your OS and a few programs/games) I would recommend that as well.
The Pentium is okay for games that aren't particularly demanding and that is about it. Otherwise it is a bit meh. Your Metro FPS is kinda low. 45-55 FPS should be what you are getting on very high with AA at 1920X1080. 35 at 1440p so there is prob some bottlenecking there. Games like Crysis 3? Forget it. Also the Pentium will quickly become out paced and more demanding games come along.
Ditch the Barracuda and go with a WD Blue. More reliable in my experience.
Ditch the 760 and get a 280 or 285. Faster and cheaper.
You don't need 750W. 550W would be plenty.
Ditch the ODD drive. You don't need it.
Do you really need wireless to?
Cut those things and you'd prob be able to afford an SSD which I would recommend. Also a cheaper aftermarket heatsink like a CM Hyper 212 Evo would be a good idea.
http://pcpartpicker.com/user/deejeta/saved/QypQzy - included the o/drive and wifi. + intel 520 cherryville ssd (insane price, if anyone out there needs a cheap ssd this is crazy value)