Disclaimer: I'm a noob builder, I put this build together for about 550$. It will suit my needs, the parts are all compatible with each other so I'm happy. I'm not in the market to upgrade, I just want to fix the problems I'm having.
Now.. The mobo I'm using supports dual channel. It has 4 ram slots, and I only have 2 occupied, yet only 3 gb is being detected... yet I have 8 gb installed? WTF moment #1
I'm also having an issue with the sound... for whatever reason I'm not getting any sound to come out of the front panel 3.5mm jack, or the 3.5mm jack in the back either. My sound device is AMD HD Audio.. ??? I'm guessing I've connected something on the mobo incorrectly. Idk, I am new to this so it's hard for me to diagnose it and make a decent guess as to whats wrong.
In any case, I'd really appreciate some community feedback so I can solve these issues.
Win 32 bit verses win 64 bit? Have you actually configured your sound. Is your front ports connected to the mb? Look at your mb owners manual for correct connections. Sometimes win doesnt auto config your sound so click on the sound icon.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813138372 Here is a cheapest board that i would use for that cpu. It always better to get the good quality motherboard.
Damn dude,you just got the shittiest am3+ motherboard,it will not handle that cpu,it just can't. It will throttle it like hell. As for the ram issue,you need a 64bit windows.
I know guys, if I knew then when I bought this stuff what I know now I wouldn't have bought the mobo. But, I'm stuck with it for now. Can you guys recommend a reasonable upgrade? For like under 100$? I spent 65$ on this mobo.
And, I'm using Win XP SP3. I know it's a dying OS but, I like it so much. Anyways...
I'm going to put it all back together and make sure I don't fuck anything up this time around. I should've paid a bit more attention to the manual.
Actually you didn't fuck it up that bad,the board is new,you can just sell it including the warranty for a decent price and get another mobo. I'm using a Gigabyte 990XA-UD3 that holds a fx 8320 @ 4.5ghz without any issues. It's about ~100 usd,a little bit over I think,not sure,prices in Europe are higher than in US. You can also get a asus M5A99FX. Both are outstanding motherboards for the money.
Yeah some of the components I bought are mickey mouse components for sure. A mistake I won't make in the future.. The customer reviews for the board lead me to believe that I was making a relatively good decision but, idk I guess it was a bit misleading. I really like the processor though and the GPU I have is definitely not a bad one. It's not the best, but for what I'm going to do I don't need the best at this point in time. Anyhow, cheers gentleman and thanks for the feedback.