First time build, Budget

Hi all out there,

I am doing my first time build, and it is on a budget. The budget is ~$500-$600. This will be a mainly gaming rig, with maybe a few video editing and 3D rendering done. My parts list currently is:


Intel BX80637I33220 CORE i3 3220/3.30GHz/3MB CACHE/LGA1155 $121.00

Gigabyte GA-Z77M-D3H-MVP Z77 2100 DDR3 RAID PCIE3.0 SATA3 USB3 uATX HDMI DVI $98.00

Corsair CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9B Corsair 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1600MHz CL9 Memory Blue $48.00


Antec VP-550P 550W Antec Strictly Power Supply 120mm fan Dual +12V rails $65.32

Corsair CSSD-F60GB3A Corsair 60GB Force Series 3 SSD $64.00

Hightech Information System LTD HIS-7770-1GBD5 HIS ATI iCooler PCIE 3.0 1 GB $115.00


Any ideas? Anything I could change?

Thanks for all the help

do you live in the US or canada?

 and do you already have a HDD, 64GB is not enough for an OS, games and editing/render software

Nope in Aus

Got a 500GB HDD from an older computer

okay my AUS site sucks because you have cheaper prices than them, but I can tell you what to look out for, I would change the Mobo to a Z77 Asus board, I believe their cheapest z77 is also a m-ATX as well, its a little more expensive but you get quality parts AND good quality control, better overclocking for future CPU upgrades, USAP USB 3 hich is Real USB3 as well as several other features, if you can afford to bump it up toa 3330, 3350p, or a 3450 then your games and Especially your render programs will benifit

other than that rock solid