First Time Build - Any Recommendations?

Okay, wonderful wizards at Tek Syndicate, I am 14 years of age, a newcomer to this forum which lives in the UK. I apoligise for any inconvience I may cause - due to being a newbie. I hope to stay in this awesome community and be awesome in it.

I want to build my own gaming PC, but I want to keep it under £800 w/ OS, monitor and keyboard. Would that be possible? I've followed some of the PC builds that have been put out to formulate this list.

I was originally going for a intel option but as the amd option is cheaper - and kinda(ish) around the same performance in most tasks, anyway - heres the list.





OS: Windows 7 Home Premium of course - £70







Optical Drive:

Total Price: Around £840

As I said, I want to get it under £800, I don't know if that'd be possible.

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated, and have a good day :)





Only had a quick look, first suggestion I have would be to buy a 60gb SSD instead. You won't be able to install as much on it, but you'll save money. 60gb is enough for your OS and a few larger programs / a game or two (only if said software benefits from being on a SSD - Do you need the levels to load faster?). Check prices on the intel 520 or maybe samsung 830 if they're in 60gb size.

I think I might get the 60gb SSD to save some money, thanks. I'll have a look around for one. But it would be nice to have a extra 60gb for all of my other stuff :)