So I just got Far Cry 3 on PC yesterday, (I'm playing on just my A6 iGPU I just got a graphics card but I need a new power supply that's coming in the mail.) so im playing on low settings. at like 20 -30 FPS which is fine for me considering im not a snob lol Its cool PC gaming is okay but the only thing I miss from Xbox 360 is the controller. but I can get used to it. I want to get GTA V when it comes out for PC. I was going to get Xbox One but now I made the change to PC. and its going decently well.
Trust me after a little while you will never want to play a shooter without mouse and keyboard. It has a bit of a learning curve and can feel weird at first but it is so much better. So much more precise.
While not the oldest PC gamer around.. I've been playing PC games since Duke Nukem was 2D side scroller.. the keyboard/mouse is ingrained into my system... but I still like playing with a controller from time to time. I have an Xbox 360 controller I use on my PC for racing games, and even some 3rd person shooters.. like Dead Space 3. I won't use it for the more hardcore multiplayer games, but I feel it has a place in my setup.
I would recommend picking one up for your PC if you enjoy using a controller. It will work with a lot of games... even if it's not necessarily ideal for them all.
I agree, I was a console peasant for a LONG time, I couldn't play with a keyboard for the longest time. When I got my first gaming PC I stilled used a gamepad when I could. But then I forced myself into keyboard/ mouse, now I cant go back, KB/M is the way to go.
I agree. The last games I've used a controller on are Shadow of Mordor and DCS World (until I got a flight stick). Generally speaking I prefer keyboard and mouse, but I do think it's useful to have a controller.
You could use a xbox360 controller for PC. Many games allow you to use it mostly racing games and FPS will allow. Even games like Dungeon Defenders & Guantlet play better on controller.
I use Xpadder
I agree ^^^^^^^
Some games (a good number of them too) have support for 360 controllers. That being said, some games are better with a decent mouse and keyboard compared to a controller, but I have found some are the other way around. Mostly driving games (in my opinion at least), FPS's feel rather restricted with a controller. Again, it's all a matter of preference, but that's why PC gaming is so great: you're not restricted to using something that may or may not work for you.
You can still use the 360 controller natively for far cry 3, but not that as many other games as you'd think. And definitely don't try Xpadder or anything like that, they're fake a absolute garbage. It just turns your controller into a keyboard.