First Tech Meetup

Moved this here, felt it was more appropriate in INBOX.EXE. Sorry for the misplacement, bros.

Morning all,

So here's the deal. There's a tech meetup for breakfast in my community and I've RSVP'd a spot. Everyone seems pretty cool and laid back, but I'm a bit nervous. I'm 20, been working with hardware/server maintenance all of my life. In the past year or two I've picked up programming (C++, PHP, Java, .Net) and am now attending a local school for an I.T. major focused in application development. 

All of this said, the members of this group seem to be established professionals in the field already with careers, goals, and a serious look on all of the tech. As just a student with limited professional* experience, I feel like I would be a bit out of place. 

What are your experiences with meetups and groups? Have you ever been a noobie in a group of pro's? How did they respond to you? 

*I've worked for a small company in hardware repair and run my own, tiny repair/networking company from home. Everything else has been non-tech related or just personal work.

Are you willing to get advice and learn from these established professionals?  If so, enjoy the networking opportunities that present themselves and have a good time.

Oh, of course. I'm just a little nervous about being out of place as a student with, for all intents and purposes, no professional experience as a walk-in newbie. 

Have any of you guys ever been in this odd position?  

I'm going to compare it to the first time I went to a crowded skatepark. Sit back, don't talk your game too much, and learn from the guys there who are good. Also don't get too deep into shit you aren't comfortable with (in your situation conversations, not tricks or anything). 

Use it to your advantage. Talk people up, get to know them. They can get you a good job, or some great experience later. Do what Aezen said. Human Networking.

Do not underestimate the value of networking.  

The community at large is very interested in fostering conversation and new ideas.  You will thoroughly enjoy the discussions and I am certain you will find a common ground to discuss.