I'm switching over from console. I have the general knowledge and parts etc all lined up just want a different view point & check everything thanks. Heres what i got currently
Updated build as of 7:33am 3/7/14 http://pcpartpicker.com/p/35F4n
Motherboard ASUS SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0 AM3+ AMD 990FX SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX
Power Supply
Cooler Master i700 - 700W 80 PLUS Bronze Power Supply
1) I checked the link and your cart is empty anyway
2) Building a system on this site will make sure your components are compatible
3) A lot of the parts have Amazon as the site with the lowest price anyway. Even if it has Newegg's price (or some other company), just choose the part you want for your build and, after you're satisfied with your build, you can go to Amazon and add all those pieces to your cart knowing they're all compatible. (is that clear enough?)
4) Teksyndicate may have some of the hardware that you want, and you can help the guys out by purchasing through -their- links, so go check out all the hardware videos!!
As far as the build itself, I suck at giving suggestions backed by reason and specs, however, I do have some suggestions:
- Let everyone here know what exactly you plan to do on this rig
- Name any preferences (if any)
Easiest way IMO is to just check out Teksyndicate's "Kill Your Console" videos.
CPU: FX-8350. Anything higher and you'll need a beefier cooling system as they're pretty much highly binned 8350s running on fast clocks.
MoBo: If you aren't going to massive overclocks(probably not; hyper 212 is a nice BUDGET cooler), look into the Asus M5A99FX Pro R2.0. It has a beefy power delivery system but it cheaper and supports 2 gpus.
RAM: Kingston HyperX Black 2x4GB is around 65 bucks right now. Cheaper, and still looks good.
PSU is alright. Not a fan of cooler master power supplies, but their I series is alright. A little bit pricy though, as you can find some better quality 750w PSUs in that price range. Rosewill Hive and XFX are good.
I tweaked your build abit. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/35Fmn
Since you have arround 2k to spend, i add an 120GB SSD. i changed the GPU to a GTX780. i also changed the CPU back to a FX8350, because going for a 9370 over a FX8350 is totaly pointless. also i changed the ram for 2x4GB G.skill sniper ram´s..And i changed the cpu cooler to a better one. And i also changed the psu to a better quality one.
For what you're using it for, this is admittedly a LOT of overkill... but you said $2,000 budget, and this is what I'd spend a $2,000 budget on...
Quite frankly, to me, it seems ridiculous to build an AMD based computer with $2,000 to play with... there's several things you could shave off of this build to cut costs obviously... but this thing's pretty beastmode... didn't leave much room for a headset though, and I'm not going to pretend to know anything about headsets regardless...
I tweaked around a little bit. I kept your gtx 770: this will run ANY game on max at a reasonable fps, buying a 780 would just be for bragging rights. I'd stay away from AMD cards only because mining has inflated the prices of them so much. nvidea cards are much better price to performance.
adding an SSD will improve your overall performance so much. I would recommend one.
A 9370 is overpowered. With the noctua cooler, or even the hyper 212, you can oc an 8350 to 4.5 ghz. The hyper 212 is fine, and is a great cooler for the price, but the noctua is in a whole different league and has my recomendation
stay away from flashy computers. honestly you'll get tired of all the lights and loud cases when you're just gaming in your room alone. the define r4 was a great choice, you'll appreciate the quietness of your system
get a 3TB if you want. But I've never used more than 400 GB in any of my systems, a 1TB is probably fine and will save you money.
Last I also cut some money back on the motherboard. I cut back on some money because I'm assuming you need peripherals. I suggest using the extra $600 on some sick peripherals. Get a good headset (I use vmoda lp), buy a couple IPS monitors, a mechanical keyboard, a nice mouse, some good speakers (bose companion 2 are great speakers ~$100)
Ahh yeah, coming from console and spending 400 500 on my headset is familar i mostly based the build off of my buddy's not exacty thinking of the overkill
Also would their be any significant performance upgrades that are noticeable. What I meant to say was my component budget can be close to 2000 if its a good improvement on performance or cooling anything that will help a goo bit. I plan on keeping the guts to 2000 or close and monitor etc over that.
You really won't get any performance that you can notice by going more overkill than what MisteryAngel made for you. The pc she made for you is going to run perfectly with all games at full ultra settings. She made a great pc that's going to be future proof. I'd keep it at that unless you really don't mind adding the extra 500$. If you can you could probably upgrade to a larger SSD. Mine's 128 gigs and I filled it up with games in less than 2 months. Good Luck and welcome to the PC community! :D
Oh yeah and MisteryAngel. I wanted to thank you. In November you helped me look at parts for a PC I was going to build. It really helped me choose my parts. Now I'm happy with my computer, lots of fun. Thanks :)