instead of dual 4gb 760's you should just get a 290x or gtx 980 (don't really trust Nvidia right now would go with the 290x) not all games support sli, and additionally sli can cause some strange issues with lower end cards.
ram of 2133 mhz will require overclocking the ram controller on your cpu with only a 1-2% benefit to gaming over 1600 mhz while risking damage to your memory controller from overclocking it, of all the things to overclock this is not worth it stick to 1600 mhz
you only need 8 gigs of ram this will accommodate running a game with several things in the background
get an ssd, i'm partial to crucial or samsung ssds
since this is a gaming only pc don't get a WD green get a Black or Blue.
Get and i5 not an i7 a gaming build has no need for hyperthreading.