Hello everyone,
I posted a couple days ago with a computer build stating that it is to be my first ever, and I'd like to thanks MisteryAngel for the initial help! After taking those comments into consideration I've configured a new rig and am hoping to get some feedback from a few different people if possible.
This thing is going to be primarily for 3D modeling and rendering using a combination of software such as Rhino, 3DS Max, Maya, AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, Maxwell Render, VRay Render and perhaps other plugins for those programs such as Grasshopper and such. I will be doing some gaming on the side with this also, though I think that whatever I'll be needing for what I mentioned above should suffice for games such as DOTA, Skyrim, and of course Minecraft.
This is a budget build, I'm trying to keep it under $800.00 because I'm a broke college student who lives at home, so please keep this in mind, but I have tried to put the dollars and cents where they count!
THE BUILD: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6dF7nQ
Now, a couple things to note, I will be upgrading the RAM by adding another stick in a couple weeks when I have a bit more walking around money, which is why I went with a 1x8GB. Also, he power supply has already been ordered because there was an awesome deal and after rebate I'm looking at a final price tag of $50.00 for +80Gold 750W, which gives me some headroom for maybe a second graphics card later on when I start doing heavy rendering and gaming and such.
Thanks in advance, I've found this magical new place so helpful already, and am looking forward to some good insight from the pros on here!