First PC Build

I am sort of new to the PC world and was wondering if anyone could help guide me in the right direction. I want to build a mid-range gaming PC for around $600-$700 US. Here is my list of parts:


CPU: AMD FX-6300 Vishera

GPU: Gigabyte R9 290x (4GB model)

PSU: Corsair CX500M

Mobo: MSI 970 Gaming

RAM: Team Zeus 1600 8GB (2X4 GB)

Storage: WD Blue 1TB


 Any help is appreciated.

You may need to upgrade the Cpu and the mobo down the road so you can eliminate the bottleneck.

You also might need to up the PSU to 650-750 Watts

I'd go Intel, less power hungry gpu with more OC headroom

Here is a nice system. The CPU is faster because that is the more annoying thing to upgrade than the graphics card. The 6300 is an OK CPU but it is at the end of its life really as far as being useful in a heavy gaming rig. Also the 280 is still a great GPU. The i3 is ok but really in single threaded performance, in multi-core the 8320 stomps it. (updated with a better motherboard SOME TECH NOOB *shakes fist*)

Will a dual core processor be able to run newer games well? I have been looking around and some other posts and videos say that some newer games are better optimized for quad-core CPU's. Also I meant to put the 270x for my GPU not the 290x

note: i3 has 2 cores but it offers 4 threads, which actually helps.

I know the build is unbalanced, but GPU is more important for games. Getting an i5 is good, but not instead of strong graphics.

These tests were done with a Titan. I like how it shows the framerate over time and not just an average. the 4330 is comparable to 4160.




Arma is a weird bird, it doesn't have great graphics, instead it kills your CPU



that motherboard

Completely off topic, this graph is very confusing because I'm color blind. XD

There changed it!

oh, red and blue is better? Just make sure that you put the RAM into the blue slots due to clearance with the Hyper 212 EVO everything else is fine. Oh if you are not afraid of overclocking you can at least push the AMD FX6300 to 4.3ghz

How about this?